Sport Psychology in Dallas, TX

A group of athletes running on the track representing the focus and determination that comes with being an athlete. Don't let these pressures overwhelm you. Gain clarity with Sport Psychology in Dallas, TX.

Improving Your Mental Health Can Improve Your Sports Performance

Your mental health is struggling and it is affecting your performance in your sport. It's taking a toll on your confidence, motivation, focus, and even your overall well-being. Your skills are suffering, your focus is low due to anxiety, you have low motivation to train, and you feel as if the pressure of the world is on your shoulders. This sport is supposed to be your outlet, it's supposed to be fun, but instead, it's becoming a burden.

Perhaps, you are dealing with demanding coaches or teammates that take the fun out of the sport. Their coaching style is taking a toll on your performance as you feel anxious about how they will react to your mistakes or successes. There's so much pressure on every movement and decision you make, making it hard to think clearly and react accordingly. It makes you wonder if you should stay in the sport or just call it quits. You want to keep playing but not at the cost of your mental health or your performance.

What is Sport Psychology?

The definition of sport psychology is about improving an athlete’s mentality to in turn improve performance, and mentality in regard to specific skills like confidence, and focus. When you ask an athlete what percentage of their sport is mental, most will tell you a number over 50%. Yet, the work that they put into improving their sport is almost 100% physical, such as strength and conditioning training and practices. Sport psychology is the process of training your brain to be more confident and focused so that you, as an athlete, can have better performances.

Two football helmets and a football setting on a grassy field representing student athletes and the challenges they face. Learn to improve focus and protect your mental health with Sport Psychology in Dallas, TX.

A Sport Psychologist Can Make a Difference

A sport psychologist can help you choose the right coping skills for you, manage your mental health struggles, build confidence, and help you find motivation and enjoyment in the sport again. At Sunrise Counseling, our sport psychologist can relate with current athletes due to them being an athlete all their life. They will use their experiences to help connect with you and understand the struggles that come with being a high-performing athlete.

Don’t Lose Your Love for Your Sport

We have worked with many athletes who have lost their love for their sport due to the demanding pressures of scholarships, coaches/teammates, and parents. We have also worked with athletes whose performances have negatively been affected due to their mental health or obstacles in life.  Before working with our sport therapist, they felt as if their performance would never get back to what it was or even get better. However, after a few sessions of working with our sport psychologist, their mental health and skill levels improved.

Performance and Mental Health Go Hand in Hand

At Sunrise Counseling, we believe in the importance of having a healthy balance between performance and mental health. Your performance and mental health are going to affect each other, so it's important to find ways that the two can be balanced. Our sport psychologist will help you manage your mental health struggles and get back to doing what you love and enjoy while maintaining your performance.

We also understand that off the court, track, field, etc. you are a person and not just an athlete. This is why our sport therapist will also work with you to not only focus on the performance side of sports but also work on the mental health and personal aspects that come with being a person. You have a life outside of sports, even though it may not feel like it. We want to make sure you are doing things that bring you joy and help with your overall well-being so that you can perform your best wherever you go.

A female golfer follows through on her swing representing an athlete who faces tremendous pressure to perform. Sport Psychology in Dallas, TX can help you learn to develop healthy coping skills to improve performance and mental health.

Our Approach to Sport Psychology Online and In-Person

At Sunrise Counseling, we approach sport psychology knowing each individual athlete is unique and as a result, their treatment plan should be tailored as well. During our sessions at Sunrise Counseling or online, we will use tools such as imagery, self-talk, relaxation and energization techniques, and goal-setting to improve your focus, confidence, enjoyment, and motivation. We'll also work to reduce stress and burnout so you can continue to enjoy the sport you love.

Through this process, your therapist will work with you so you can see that psychological states such as confidence, focus, and motivation are skills that can be improved, rather than them being traits that one either has or does not have. What sets us apart from other sport psychologists is that we also focus on the holistic aspect of being an athlete. This means helping you with both the performance and personal aspects while also taking into consideration your life outside of sports. Your mental health deserves to be seen as a priority and we are here to help you do just that. In order to best serve you we offer sessions in both in-person Sport Psychology and Online Sport Psychology.

Interested in Working with a Sport Psychologist in Dallas, TX?

If you want to preserve your love for the sport you play or find it again after some struggles, our sport psycologist in Dallas, TX is here to help. Our goal is to help you understand that the mental side of sports is just as important as the physical side. Our sport psychologist can help you regain the balance you need to perform your best, both on and off the field. We work with clients both in-person and online throughout the state of Texas.

Telehealth Therapy Available for Sport Psychology in Texas

Online therapy is a convenient way to get the help you need. It eliminates drive time. It allows you to have a session from the comfort of your own home or office. It allows you to do therapy from your car during a lunch break. Working with an online therapist and getting online counsleing eliminates many barriers to starting counseling. This way, it's easier for you to get the support you want. 

To start in person or telehealth therapy in follow these steps:

 1. Contact Sunrise Counseling

2. Meet with one of our caring therapists that specializes in Sport Psychology.

3. Start performing better mentally and physically!

Other Mental Health Services in Dallas, TX

Sport Psychology is not the only mental health service we can offer athletes at Sunrise Counseling. Our therapists understand you may be struggling with more than what impacts your performance. We provide a variety of services to clients from our Dallas TX-based therapy office and the surrounding areas. Other mental health services we provide at Sunrise Counseling include:

  • Social Difficulties